Monsoon is a 2015 Bollywood drama film Produced by Mahendra Dhariwal & Jitender Gulati and Directed by Suzad Iqbal Khan. The film stars Srishti Sharma, Sudhanshu, Shawar Ali, Vijay Singh and Raja Gulati.
The soundtrack of the film is composed by Biswajit Bhatacharjee and lyrics penned by Krishna Bhardwaj.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Monsoon.
1. Rasleela Kajra Laga Ke
2. Maula Mere Rehmat Kar De
3. Thoda Sa Pyaar Ho Gaya Hai
4. Maahi Ve Mera Tutiya Dil
5. Mann Hoya Bawra
6. Soni Kudi De Naal
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