Heartless is a 2014 Bollywood medical thriller film directed by Shekhar Suman and produced by Sajid Rizvi, Alka Suman. The film stars Adhyayan Suman, Ariana Ayam in lead roles, while Om Puri, Deepti Naval, Madan Jain, Shekhar Suman plays a supporting roles.
The Soundtrack for the film was composed by Gaurav Dagaonkar, Fuzon. The lyrics are by Arafat Mehmood, Seema Saini, Shekhar Suman & S.K. Khalish.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Heartless.
1. Ishq Khuda
2. Mashookana Remix
3. Thanks Brother For Being There
4. Heartless (Title)
5. What A Feeling
6. Soniye
7. Mashookana
8. Main Dhoondne Ko Zamaane Mein
9. Main Dhoondne Ko Zamaane Me (Reprise)
The Soundtrack for the film was composed by Gaurav Dagaonkar, Fuzon. The lyrics are by Arafat Mehmood, Seema Saini, Shekhar Suman & S.K. Khalish.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Heartless.
1. Ishq Khuda
2. Mashookana Remix
3. Thanks Brother For Being There
4. Heartless (Title)
5. What A Feeling
6. Soniye
7. Mashookana
8. Main Dhoondne Ko Zamaane Mein
9. Main Dhoondne Ko Zamaane Me (Reprise)
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