Purani Jeans is a 2014 Bollywood coming-of-age drama directed by Tanushri Chattrji Bassu and produced by Manju Lulla. The film stars Tanuj Virwani, Aditya Seal and Izabelle Leite in lead roles, while Param Baidwaan, Raghav Kakkar, Kashyap Kapoor, Rati Agnihotri, Manoj Pahwa, Sarika, Rajit Kapoor, Kamini Kaushal, Kashika Chopra, Umesh Rajput plays a supporting roles.
Purani Jeans music is composed by Ram Sampath and lyrics are written by Ashish Pandit, Prashant Ingole, Munna Dhiman, Kunwar Juneja.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Purani Jeans.
1. Yaari Yaari
2. Yeh Dosti
3. Dil Aaj Kal
4. Out Of Control Munde
5. Yeh Beetey Din
6. Jind Meriye
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