The Xpose is a 2014 musical thriller film directed by Anant Mahadevan and produced by Vipin Reshammiya. The film stars Himesh Reshammiya in title role, while Zoya Afroz, Sonali Raut, Yo Yo Honey Singh, Anant Mahadevan, Irrfan Khan, Rajesh Sharma, Adil Hussai, Daya Shankar Pandey, Jesse Randhawa plays a supporting roles.
The soundtrack is composed by Himesh Reshammiya, lyrics penned by Sameer, Kumaar and Shabbir Ahmed.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of The Xpose.
1. Sheeshe Ka Samundar
2. Suroor
3. Catch Me If You Can
4. Hai Apna Dil Toh Aawara
5. Dard Dilo Ke
6. Ice Cream Khaungi
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