Sixteen is a 2013 Hindi-language drama thriller film directed by Raj Purohit and produced by Shailesh R Singh, Vishwas Joshi. The film stars Izabelle Leite, Mehak Manwani, Wamiqa Gabbi, Keith Sequeira, Highphill
Mathews, Rohan Mehra, Amitabh Sanduja, Monika Verma, Sanjeev Singh, Alka
Chatarwal, Sumit Bhardwaj, Zakir Hussain.
The music of the film was composed by Prashant Pillai, Adam Avil, Eddie Avil, Gaurav Dagaonkar, while lyrics were written by Raj Purohit, Pawan Sony, Anurag Bhomia, Shivranjani Singh, Tony Kakkar, Prashant Pillai.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Sixteen (2013).
1. May be Baby
2. Jhagde
3. Bas Tu Hi Hain
4. Ishq Ki Ada
5. Love Love
6. Chad Gayi
7. Solah Baras Ki Saali Umar Ko Salaam
The music of the film was composed by Prashant Pillai, Adam Avil, Eddie Avil, Gaurav Dagaonkar, while lyrics were written by Raj Purohit, Pawan Sony, Anurag Bhomia, Shivranjani Singh, Tony Kakkar, Prashant Pillai.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Sixteen (2013).
1. May be Baby
2. Jhagde
3. Bas Tu Hi Hain
4. Ishq Ki Ada
5. Love Love
6. Chad Gayi
7. Solah Baras Ki Saali Umar Ko Salaam
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