Tara is a 2013 Hindi drama film directed and produced by Kumar Raj. The film features Rekha Rana, Rohan Shroff and Sapna P Chuobisha as main characters, while Brijesh K. Kori, Ujjwala Shikhare, S. C. Makhija, Rohit Raj, Archana Tendulkar, Ashish Salim plays a supporting roles.
The soundtrack of Tara is composed by Prakash Prabhakar, Ashish, Siddharth Kasyap and lyrics written by Tanveer Qazi, Dev Mani Panday.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Tara.
1. Sajana Re
2. Haiyya Re
3. Khot Kapat
4. Chipkali, Teri Najar Jaise
5. Ishwara
6. Pardesi Raja
The soundtrack of Tara is composed by Prakash Prabhakar, Ashish, Siddharth Kasyap and lyrics written by Tanveer Qazi, Dev Mani Panday.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Tara.
1. Sajana Re
2. Haiyya Re
3. Khot Kapat
4. Chipkali, Teri Najar Jaise
5. Ishwara
6. Pardesi Raja
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