Zubaan is a 2015 Indian musical drama film written and directed by Mozez Singh, while jointly produced by Guneet Monga, Shaan Vyas, Mozez Singh. The film stars Vicky Kaushal, Sarah Jane Dias in lead roles, while Manish Choudhary, Meghna Malik, Raaghav Chanana plays a supporting roles.
The soundtrack of the film is composed by Ashu Phatak, Ishq Bector, Shree D, Manraj Patar and lyrics are written by Varun Grover, Ashu Phatak, Baba Bulleh Shah, Surjit Patar.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Zubaan.
1. Music Is My Art (Niamat Salaamat)
2. Dhruvtara (Dhoop Ki Zubaan)
3. Tu Hai Tera Khuda
4. Kori Pukaar
5. Bhaven Tu Jaan
6. Kadi Aa Mil Yaar Pyareya
7. Ajj Saanu O Mileya (The Anthem Of Dreams)
8. Jiske Sir Upar Tu Swami
9. Mittar Pyare Nu (Male)
10. Jo Mange Thakur
11. Tu Mera Pita
12. Mittar Pyare Nu (Child)
13. Ek Onkar
14. Lakh Khushiyaan
The soundtrack of the film is composed by Ashu Phatak, Ishq Bector, Shree D, Manraj Patar and lyrics are written by Varun Grover, Ashu Phatak, Baba Bulleh Shah, Surjit Patar.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Zubaan.
1. Music Is My Art (Niamat Salaamat)
2. Dhruvtara (Dhoop Ki Zubaan)
3. Tu Hai Tera Khuda
4. Kori Pukaar
5. Bhaven Tu Jaan
6. Kadi Aa Mil Yaar Pyareya
7. Ajj Saanu O Mileya (The Anthem Of Dreams)
8. Jiske Sir Upar Tu Swami
9. Mittar Pyare Nu (Male)
10. Jo Mange Thakur
11. Tu Mera Pita
12. Mittar Pyare Nu (Child)
13. Ek Onkar
14. Lakh Khushiyaan
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