Shortcut Safaari is a 2016 Hindi film directed by Amitabha Singh and produced by Kashyap A Shah. The film stars Aashi Rawal, Sharvil Patel, Mann Patel, Deah Tandon, Ugam Khetani, Stuti
Dwivedi, Hardil Kanabar, Jimmy Sheirgill, Jignesh Modi, Purisai Palani.
The soundtrack of film is composed by Samir-Mana and Rohit Sharma, with lyrics penned by Vijay Maurya, Rohit Sharma, Ravinder Randhawa.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Shortcut Safaari.
1. Piggy Bank
2. Dip Dip Dara
3. Ek Dhara Ek Jan Gan
4. Zor Laga De
The soundtrack of film is composed by Samir-Mana and Rohit Sharma, with lyrics penned by Vijay Maurya, Rohit Sharma, Ravinder Randhawa.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Shortcut Safaari.
1. Piggy Bank
2. Dip Dip Dara
3. Ek Dhara Ek Jan Gan
4. Zor Laga De
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