Kerry on Kutton is a 2016 Bollywood film produced by Shashank Shekhar Singh and directed by Ashok Yadav. The film stars Satyajeet Dubey, Aradhana Jagota, Aditya Kumar, Shivam Pradhan and Karan Mahavar.
The soundtrack of film is composed by Rishabh Himanshu Shivam and Vayu Srivastava, with lyrics penned by Ashok Yadav and Ghanaram Singh Yadav.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Kerry On Kutton.
1. Ranjjo Bhaiya
2. Dheere Dheere
The soundtrack of film is composed by Rishabh Himanshu Shivam and Vayu Srivastava, with lyrics penned by Ashok Yadav and Ghanaram Singh Yadav.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Kerry On Kutton.
1. Ranjjo Bhaiya
2. Dheere Dheere
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