Murari- The Mad Gentleman is a 2016 Hindi comedy film directed by Suzad Iqbal Khan and jointly produced by Kishore N Patel, Sunil Patel, Jignesh Shah. This film stars Sanjay Singh, Asrani, Natalya Llina, Surendra Rajan, Kiran Sharad, Yajuvendra Pratap Singh, Amitabh Acharya.
All the songs of Murari - The Mad Gentleman is composed by Biswajit Bhattacharjee and lyrics are written by Krishna Bharadwaj.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Murari - The Mad Gentleman.
1. Udi Udi
2. Tera Deewana
3. Shabbo
4. Udi Udi (Duet)
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