Dare You is a 2016 Bollywood thriller drama film, directed by Denis Selarka and Mehul Simaria and produced by Narshi Vasani, under the banner of Blueberry Films Pvt. Ltd. The film features Alisha Seema Khan in a lead role, while Kshitij Singh Parmar, Sumit Gaddi, Hiten Kapoor,
Avinash Abhichandani, Madonna Tixeira, Vikas Srivastav, Neil Motwani,
Kaaviya Vidhate, Bosky Sheth, Harsh Nagar plays a supporting roles.
The soundtrack of film is composed by Chirantan Bhatt, Jayesh Gandhi, Kary Arora, with lyrics penned by Jayesh Gandhi, Mohnish Raza, Kary Arora, Priya Baveja, Manoj Yadav.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Dare You.
1. Atrangee Bandey
2. Farishto Ki Dua
3. Dare You (Title Track)
4. Faisla Tera
5. Farishton Ki Dua (Angels Orar)
The soundtrack of film is composed by Chirantan Bhatt, Jayesh Gandhi, Kary Arora, with lyrics penned by Jayesh Gandhi, Mohnish Raza, Kary Arora, Priya Baveja, Manoj Yadav.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Dare You.
1. Atrangee Bandey
2. Farishto Ki Dua
3. Dare You (Title Track)
4. Faisla Tera
5. Farishton Ki Dua (Angels Orar)
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