Dhara 302 is a 2016 Bollywood Hindi film written & directed by Jitendra Singh Naruka and produced by Bhawani Shankar Yogi. The film stars Rufy Khan, Dipti D, Gulshan Pandey, Vicky Pandit, Gagan Pradeep, Pramod Veshanv, Rohit Tada, Pradeep Kabra, Prasad Saraswat.
The soundtrack of film is composed by Sahil Multy Khan with lyrics penned by Sahil Fatehpuri, Heba Khan, Arman Ali.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Dhara 302.
1. Maula Kar Rahem
2. Bewajah, Yun Na Mujhko Rula
3. Ek Kash
4. Mona Ka Tona
The soundtrack of film is composed by Sahil Multy Khan with lyrics penned by Sahil Fatehpuri, Heba Khan, Arman Ali.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Dhara 302.
1. Maula Kar Rahem
2. Bewajah, Yun Na Mujhko Rula
3. Ek Kash
4. Mona Ka Tona
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