Hate Story is a 2012 Bollywood erotic thriller film directed by Vivek Agnihotri and produced by Vikram Bhatt. It stars Nikhil Dwivedi, Gulshan Devaiya and Paoli Dam in lead roles, while Mohan Kapoor, Joy Sengupta, Saurabh Dubey, Iravati Harshe, Bhairavi Goswami, Gopal Singh, Mukesh Tyagi plays a supporting roles.
The soundtrack of film composed by Harshit Saxena, with lyrics penned by Kumaar.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Hate Story.
1. Raat Bhar Pyaar Ki
2. Dil Kanch Sa
3. Mahe Jaan (Chehra Tera Dil Mein)
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