Jackpot is a 2013 Hindi comedy thriller directed by Kaizad Gustad and produced by Raina Sachiin Joshi. The film features Sunny Leone, Naseeruddin Shah and Sachiin J Joshi.
The soundtrack of the film is composed by Sharib Sabri, Toshi Sabri, Mika Singh, Remo Fernandes, Sridevi Keshavan, Janaka Atugoda, Juno Reactor, Rahul Bhatt, Itek Bhutani and lyrics are written by Turaz, Azeem Shirazi, Raj Hans, Abhijeet Deshpande, Remo Fernandes, Kaizad Gustad, Sridevi Keshavan, Irfan Siddique.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Jackpot.
1. Now You See
2. Kabhi Jo Baadal Barse
3. Eggjactly
4. Jackpot (Title Song)
5. Jackpot Jeetna
6. Bol Bugger Bol
7. Full Jhol
8. Kabhi Jo Baadal Barse (Female)
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