Love Games is a 2016 Bollywood urban-thriller film directed by Vikram Bhatt and produced by Mukesh Bhatt and Mahesh Bhatt. The cast of the film includes Patralekha, Gaurav Arora and Tara Alisha Berry.
Soundtrack of the film is composed by Sangeet Haldipur, Siddharth Haldipur with lyrics penned by Kausar Munir, Vikram Bhatt.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Love Games.
1. Love Games (Title Song)
2. Aye Dil
3. Nirvana
4. Poison
5. Lock Him Up
6. Mohabbat
7. Awargi
Soundtrack of the film is composed by Sangeet Haldipur, Siddharth Haldipur with lyrics penned by Kausar Munir, Vikram Bhatt.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Love Games.
1. Love Games (Title Song)
2. Aye Dil
3. Nirvana
4. Poison
5. Lock Him Up
6. Mohabbat
7. Awargi
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