Love in Bombay is a Hindi film produced and directed by Joy Mukherjee. The film was originally made in 1971. The film stars Joy Mukherjee, Kishore Kumar, Waheeda Rehman, Ashok Kumar, Rehman, Sonia Sahni.
Soundtrack of the film is composed by Jaikishan Dayabhai Pankal, Shankarsinh Raghuwanshi and lyrics penned by Majrooh Sultanpuri.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Love In Bombay.
1. Na Main Boli Na Wo Bola
2. Saiya Saiya
3. Jai Kali Kalkatte Wali
4. Rani Nacho
5. Matak Mere Cheeta
6. Maaza Naav Ganpat Rao
Soundtrack of the film is composed by Jaikishan Dayabhai Pankal, Shankarsinh Raghuwanshi and lyrics penned by Majrooh Sultanpuri.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Love In Bombay.
1. Na Main Boli Na Wo Bola
2. Saiya Saiya
3. Jai Kali Kalkatte Wali
4. Rani Nacho
5. Matak Mere Cheeta
6. Maaza Naav Ganpat Rao
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