Rise Of The Zombie is a 2013 Hindi Horror film directed by Luke Kenny and Devaki Singh, while produced by BSI Entertainment, Kenny Media. The film starred Luke Kenny, Kirti Kulhari and Ashwin Mushran.
Songs of the film is composed by Boomarang, Biddu and lyrics penned by Nazia Hassan.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Rise Of The Zombie.
1. Tanhayee
2. Aao Na Pyaar Kare
3. Dil Pukare
4. Blackbird
5. Zombie (Hindi)
6. Jaag Uthi Hai Ye Raat
Songs of the film is composed by Boomarang, Biddu and lyrics penned by Nazia Hassan.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Rise Of The Zombie.
1. Tanhayee
2. Aao Na Pyaar Kare
3. Dil Pukare
4. Blackbird
5. Zombie (Hindi)
6. Jaag Uthi Hai Ye Raat
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