Shaukeen Kaminay is a 2016 Hindi Comedy film directed by Anil Chorasiya and jointly produced by Brajesh Pandey, Pratima Pandey. The film stars Narendra Tiwari, Kartik Gaur, Sahil Garg, Vanshika Gupta, Yasmin Pathan,
Priyanka Singh, Pramod Shukla, Manisha Singh, Kiran Sahani, Seema
Music for the film is composed by Rajib-Mouna and Dharam Dewda . Lyrics for the songs are written by Dharam Dewda, Brajesh Pandey and Allahmeher Malik.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Shaukeen Kaminay.
1. Bum Me Dum
2. Maahi Re
3. Kaminay (Theme)
4. Ek Tu Hi Tu
Music for the film is composed by Rajib-Mouna and Dharam Dewda . Lyrics for the songs are written by Dharam Dewda, Brajesh Pandey and Allahmeher Malik.
Here is the link of all the songs lyrics and videos of Shaukeen Kaminay.
1. Bum Me Dum
2. Maahi Re
3. Kaminay (Theme)
4. Ek Tu Hi Tu
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